Konnichiwa… I’m Terence, a young (ok, maybe not so young) 20 something based in Davao. I am a Christian, I work at a
business, and I am a newbie blogger. I like reading, watching movies,
traveling, and writing just for fun. And of course, in the loose definition of
the term, I am a rookie runner.
That was on March 2011, when I got the
idea of joining my first fun run. No, it was not in the gym, or the road, or
from family or friends (though they did a nice try, I just wasn’t convinced.
^_^). In the most unorthodox of all settings, I joined the run because a
company I invested in sponsored it. So, I invited my friends, woke up at an
eye-popping time (for me at least), just went out and ran. It was a great
experience and I was hungry for more. Since then, I ran in the gym, on the
road, and of course during Sunday Fun Runs. I have run a variety of distances
from 3Ks to 21Ks and I am looking forward to more challenges in the future.
Yet in some ways, I am still a rookie.
I have not really played a real sport in school and needless to say that I am
not a natural athlete. Neither am I an expert to give the healthier running
formula. (well, not yet) And while I have been to the gym a few times, I really
haven’t taken it that seriously. I am a rookie and I'm proud of my mistakes
(mishaps sometimes), such as… buying and wearing the wrong equipment, to
running too fast (or not learning to slow down), to pushing myself too far
(a.k.a. over-train), to sometimes being slow and lazy, and on some occasions to
be too competitive haha. But it is in making mistakes does one learn. You can
learn by making them yourself or learn from the mistakes from others. Either
way, that’s how rookies (myself included) develop.
by Jamie's (a.k.a. the Bull Runner) blog, I am excited in writing my own.
While I am not really aspiring to be some sort of fitness expert (believe me,
just by looking at me, I am not ^_^), I am here wanting to share my story as
well as showing the best races Davao has to offer. From reflections of past
races to coverage of present fun runs to little insights and learnings that I have while
running, I will write them down. This is running through my eyes. This is the
road of a rookie runner.
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