Saturday, March 17, 2012

Race #11: Shrine Hills Challenge

Race #11
Shrine Hills Challenge
June 26, 2011
Shrine Hills, Matina
Davao City

The Shrine Hills of Davao ~ touted as the most toughest 10K run in the whole world. Well, that was what the organizers, Davao Sunday Runners, said. And judging the path via driving towards the starting line of the course, they weren’t joking. Good thing my family and I only signed up for the 5K. There was no way we would have been ready for that.

Uphill and downhill, wow! Even for a 5K that took a toll on my legs. My brother and I were shocked as Dad nearly passed us with 1K to go. All of us really needed some hill training as we were all used to the roads. Maybe next year we can do the 10K?

>>> Race Time: 5K (42 min)

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