Friday, March 09, 2012

Race #3: Don't Stress Out On Running

Race #3
IWAS Stress Run
May 1, 2011
Davao Mental Hospital
Davao City

“Dad? What did you do?”, I reacted. Somehow, my father “forced" me to join the IWAS Stress Run to help out my cousin who is a doctor (and on this particular occasion a race organizer). I has already planned (or should I say booked, as in “bought and paid for”) another fun run with my friends in a week’s time so I don’t really know if I can do it in two straight weeks. Nevertheless, I agreed to it, seeing that my dad already paid for it. Free singlet!! Yehey!

Early on race morning, I positioned myself near the starting line since I won’t have to worry about catching up or slowing down for anybody. That was a good idea. When the gun started, I ran at the same pace as the leaders. That was a bad idea, seeing that I slowed down considerably after 10 minutes. I didn’t really exert much effort after the initial burst and somehow made it to the finish. Well, even I get lazy sometimes… ^_^

When I finished at the assembly spot, there was a huge surprise waiting for all us runners. Several booths with different games and challenges await. Aside from that, there were also booths for food, drinks, and of course signing up for more fun runs. Basically, it was a carnival that is sort of our reward after our tiring endeavor. So, that’s what my cousin has been doing. I guess that’s why he wasn’t at any of the water stations. The “carnival” was a nice touch for what I thought to be a simple fun run.

>>> Race Time: 4K (50 min)

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