Saturday, March 31, 2012

Race #16: Rebuilding Davao

Race #16
Run to Rebuild
July 30, 2011
Abreeza Mall Parking Area

Some few days ago, parts of Davao were flooded due to heavy rains and rising river waters. This caused devastation for several communities near the Davao river, specifically in Matina Pangi. This run is organized by those who want to help contribute to the relief efforts to help rebuild the communities of those who are affected. For paying Php 100, you get no singlet, no fancy race hooplas, no cash prizes (for those who plan to compete), just a race bib and the thought of giving a helping hand to those who are in need right now.

Joining this race was just me trying to help those in need in what little ways I can. No competitive spirit here (I can save that for another time), just run for exercise, run for a cause. Oh, a big applause to the organizers and Abreeza Mall for doing what they can to help Dabawenyos in their time of need.

>>> Race Time: 5K (41 min)

Race #15: The Dare

Race #15
PLDT 10miler
July 24, 2011
16K (10 miles)
Roxas Avenue
Davao City

“You are not going to run a 5K with a singlet that says PLDT 10miler are you? You should do the 10 miles, to prove that you ran the race.” That was a statement made by my brother weeks before he went to Manila. Needless to say, he had a point. I hadn’t really challenged myself much anymore with just 3K and 5K runs. The most distance I did was probably an 8K. But could I do it without ever running a 10k ever? Well, only one way to find out. Quoting Barney Stinson (from How I Met Your Mother), “Challenge accepted!”

This distance was not easy. And that was an understatement.

The route: Roxas Avenue ~ Bajada Street ~ Nova Tierra Village Entrance (turnaround) ~ Cabaguio Street ~ Q. Boulevard ~ Roxas Avenue.

Some friends and acquaintances from the gym also ran the 10 miles. Along the challenging route, some have passed me by, some have been passed by me. My trainer at the gym, Nestor, was impressive as he made it to the top 20 finishers. 

This was my first real challenge where I had difficulty finishing a race. But I know that this experience will serve me well in the future.

Lessons learned:
1) Be well-trained for distances over 10K. Well, I have to say that joining this race in that category was a “more guts than brains” move. I wasn’t exactly trained to handle this distance yet (in other words, I was undertrained). Pride in completing this distance was the only thing keeping me going. I have to note though, anyone can complete this distance. It just takes a matter of time. But only those who have trained well will spare themselves from severe suffering.
2) Power Gels help in races where you have to run for more than 1 hour. In one of my running books, I read about Power gels. They are essentially food for runners. Having one is like drinking “wake-up” juice. They are sure to give boosts of energy!

On a last note, earning that finisher’s medal at the finish line sure takes the pain away (even for just a short moment though). ^_^

Me and my friend Alex at the finish.

>>> Race time: 16K (2 hr 13 min)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Race #14: Chinese Run

Race #14
Republic of China Centennial Run
July 17, 2011
Davao Central High School Compound
Davao City

This is another fun run at Davao Central High School… well, seeing how the theme is Republic of China Centennial celebration, you can’t have a place more fitting to host it than Davao Central (its former name by the way is Davao Chinese High School, which might explain things ^_^).

The route was from Sta. Ana Avenue to Bajada street ~ already my typical race route. My friends and I ran in different categories for this race. Ryan went on ahead on his 10K run, while I ran the 5K. My friend Gil, who officially joined his first run, signed up for the 3K. Yet he still ran the full 5K distance. Way to go!

I also met one of my classmates, Alex, from Japanese language class. One of the great thing in fun runs is that you also get to meet old and new faces in a different environment from where you knew them. :)

This was also the first run that we stayed and hoped that we would win at least one of the raffle prizes. With TVs, appliances, and trips to Singapore up at grabs, maybe it was worth waiting. Needless to say, we didn’t. At least we got a great workout out of our early morning.

And look we each even got a diploma... If all finisher's certificates were as nice as this, I would collect them more often!

>>> Race time: 5K (36 min)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hello Readers!!!

Hey readers, how are you guys? Its been a while since I last posted. I have been feeling a little sick for the past few days...But don't worry, I will be up and ready in no time.

Its been almost a month since the soft opening. Thank you guys for visiting the site. Whether you are a follower, a regular reader, or just someone "passing by" this blog, I thank you for taking your time in reading. 

Like most projects, businesses, or anything worth taking an effort doing, this site is still a work in progress. I guess I had better explain a few things about the categories...
1) In Race Journal: This is mostly my personal experiences in races (including past races in 2011). I have debated on whether to include my past experiences or just skipping to the present races in 2012. But by bypassing my past races, I would have a bit of a hard time explaining how and why I am a runner now. So, I chose to include them for me to reflect as well as to hopefully "teach" others on my experiences.
2) In Paw Prints: From learning from running books and magazines, from gym trainers, from other racers on the road, from my own two feet pounding on the pavement week-in week-out, and from life itself, I will share my insights here and maybe you can learn something too.
3) In Upcoming Missions: (Coming soon) There are plenty of races in Davao City. Why not help spread the word about them?
4) Other categories: (Coming soon) Like a master chef adds new dishes to a restaurant menu, I will add new stuff here on this site from time to time.
5) On the lack of pictures: Well, on my earlier races I had a "no tech" rule. No iPod touch, no iPod nano, no cellphones, and no cameras. So that kind of explains the lack of pictures. Fortunately some friends were happy to help me out. You will see some of the pics soon.

Again, thanks for visiting. And feel free to leave comments or suggestions for me to improve this site. God bless! ^_^

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Paw Prints: The Progression Principle

How’s your running routine? Do the workouts work for you? Do you sometimes feel the days of exercise whether at the gym or on the road is getting you nowhere? That’s what I sometimes feel too; whether its some races on a Sunday which I seem to be not in the mood to run, or on several days at the gym where I can’t feel any improvement.

You and I may not know it yet, but we are improving. Let me share to you on what I learned on the “Complete Guide To Jogging and Running by Bill Rodgers”. There is a principle to determine whether one can improve. It is called the Progression Principle. The Progression Principle says that individual gains in fitness are small, but accumulate with consistency. Our fitness improves in small, consistent steps, rather than in great leaps. You can’t go from being a couch potato to being a speed demon much less run a 10K easily. No one day is a great transformative event. One has to gradually increase endurance.

Oh, this can also be used in real life too. Whether in saving money, where progress happens because of interest. You start small but keep at it. Pretty soon you can see your savings grow. Or in lifting weights. Just increase it bit by bit so that your strength can handle it. Or in cleaning the house. Isn’t the task daunting if you think you have to do it all at once? Yet, clean it room by room, corner by corner, and soon enough you will have a clean house.

That’s where the hard work comes in. Aside from the ordinary, uneventful races that I have done, there are several tiring and mundane days of exercise. But I guess I’ll need to show more proof. Check out some of my previous articles. Some of the races are not quite exciting eh? Others are more work than fun. Yet behind all that, look at the statistic at the bottom part of each article. I don’t want to brag, but I’m showing this to make you guys realize you can do it too.

Here are some of the pace times. Use (Time in minutes divided by no. of kilometers) to get your pace time.

Race #1: 65 min for a 5K (Pace time: 13 min/K)
Race #4: 49 min for a 5K (Pace time: 9.8 min/K)
Race #8: 42 min for a 5K (Pace time: 8.4 min/K)
Race #9: 36 min for a 5K (Pace time: 7.2 min/K)
Race #11: 42 min for a 5K (Pace time: 8.4 min/K)
Race #13: 35 min for a 5K (Pace time: 7 min/K)

Aside from a faster race time, I noticed that I tend to have more stamina as the weeks of exercise had gone by. No longer was I running out of breath like I used to. One can also improve in other ways aside from race time. Through consistent hard work, I can see the improvement. Don't you feel the joy of achieving something due to hard work?

Now, don’t expect every new race you can get a new personal record. Believe me, that was a misconception I made too (see race #11). And no, I’m not suggesting for you to join every race on every Sunday (I’ll tackle that subject on another article). But whether you can get a new time or not, just keep working on it. Sooner or later you will improve. Maybe not only on time, but on endurance and overall health fitness.

On the following issues of Paw Prints, I will help you get started on a beginner’s training schedule. Now, now, I won’t take any credit for this, I got tons of help from the “Complete Guide to Running” as well as Runner’s World Philippines Magazines. But I just used a program that worked for me. And hopefully, from one rookie to another, it will do just fine for you too.

And on a last note, remember the progression principle. Consistency does it!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Race #13: Cheering Crowd

Race #13
Fr. Rudy Run
July 10, 2011
Ateneo de Davao University, Roxas Avenue
Davao City

A fun run named after a priest? Well, that’s what this one was. From what I read, Father Rudy was an advocate for building happy, Christian families. He does things like counseling for couples through his organization, Marriage Encounter Philippines St. Peter Series, Davao City. Now, on his first death anniversary, the organization decided to honor him on this fund-raising event via a fun run. This was a worthy cause to be a part of, and I for one, am happy to help.

Even though for me this was just an ordinary race day, one particular moment stood out. A former college professor of mine joined this fun run. Now, Sir Freddie S. was never exactly the type of person you would expect to run, so to see him there was a surprise. When he finished his 3K run late in the race, there was even a podium announcement for him. You can’t really help not cheering for him, everybody, myself included, got into it. He got the loudest applause of the whole morning, even more than the winners of the race! It made my day knowing that anybody can be a runner. ^_^

>>> Race Time: 5K (35 min)

Race #12: Tag Team

Race #12
My Buddy Run
July 3, 2011
Metrolifestyle Gym and Spa Compound
Davao City

After doing 5K’s for quite a while now, I guess I could use a change of pace. So my brother and I joined the 3K division of My Buddy Run hosted by Metrolifestyle. In this race, a team of two has to start and finish the race at the same time. At least we weren’t tied together. ^_^ Well, what will they think of next?

The route (Torres St. to Bajada St.) was short but a decent challenge. Well, I think the both of us were the sixth pair in the 3K member's division. I can't really confirm that though. But no one has yet finished the 5K division as we crossed the finish line.

For a small scale event, it wasn’t so bad. Everything from food and refreshments, road safety, and the post race celebration was well taken care of by the organizers. Good job, Metrolifestyle.

>>> Finish time: 3K (19 min)

Race #11: Shrine Hills Challenge

Race #11
Shrine Hills Challenge
June 26, 2011
Shrine Hills, Matina
Davao City

The Shrine Hills of Davao ~ touted as the most toughest 10K run in the whole world. Well, that was what the organizers, Davao Sunday Runners, said. And judging the path via driving towards the starting line of the course, they weren’t joking. Good thing my family and I only signed up for the 5K. There was no way we would have been ready for that.

Uphill and downhill, wow! Even for a 5K that took a toll on my legs. My brother and I were shocked as Dad nearly passed us with 1K to go. All of us really needed some hill training as we were all used to the roads. Maybe next year we can do the 10K?

>>> Race Time: 5K (42 min)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Race #10: Rizal Run

Race #10
I Run For Rizal
June 19, 2011
People’s Park
Davao City

First an Independence Day Run. Then a Run For Rizal. What will these organizers think of next? But having a new race route for me and my brother proved to be a relief from doing the Bajada route again and again. Starting from People's Park and going through Sandawa, it was a good race that gave us two different views of the Davao river from two different bridges. Not exactly memorable, but a great job by the organizers, the Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity (of Ateneo de Davao University).

>>> Race Time: 5K (36 min)

Race #9: Viva La Pilipinas

Race #9
Independence Day Run
June 12, 2011
Davao Central High School Area

This has got to be one of the most unique races I have ever seen. The organizers made us feel like we are wearing the Philippine Flag. Well, it is June 12 after all. So I guess it makes sense to be draped with Red, Blue, and Gold. Happy Independence Day Philippines! What better way to feel independent than to be able to run freely in the streets of Davao?

Viva La Pilipinas!

>>> Race Time: 5K (37 min)

Race #8: Slow and Steady

Race #8
June 5, 2011
Victoria Plaza Parking Grounds
Davao City

There are ordinary days. And so, there tend to be ordinary races. This was one ordinary race day. Nothing special, but nothing bad either. But guess what? Slowly, I am improving. After getting a month’s worth of exercise, you can too!

>>> Race time: 5K (42 min)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Race #7: Running In The Rain

Race #7
Nike Davao City Run
May 29, 2011
Abreeza Parking Lot
Davao City

Soaked by rainwater from head to toe as I walked towards the finish line, I breathed a sigh of relief as I completed my first 8K run on the Nike Davao City Run.

Now, running in the rain is fun and enjoyable, but it isn’t always ideal. One could slip, so one has to be careful on stepping, running and landing on wet, slippery surfaces. And once you stop running and get to your car or house, change into dry clothes as soon as possible.

Since that was only a slight shower, it was fine for my family and me to run despite the weather. (To be honest, I’m glad we did.) But if the weather could have deteriorated into freezing rain, we would have to reconsider. (And so should rookie runners).

After finishing the race, I was greeted by the surprise of having a finisher’s medal. Somehow, the organizers at RunClub upgraded the certificate into medals for the 8K runners. It may be made of cheap glass and a ribbon, but it provided a short “pain relief” for my tired legs.

The entry fee was a bit steep, so I expected better from the organizers, and they didn’t disappoint. In fact, they went all out from cheerleaders at different points in the race, to the yummy breakfast, and to the free health magazines.

(From a Nido Commercial)
Kris Aquino: “Oh, sulit diba?”
Baby James: “What’s sulit mama?”
Kris Aquino: “Sulit…. It’s getting more than what we paid for.”

“Sulit” That’s the best way to describe the race. It was a race well worth its price.

>>> Race Time: 8K (1 hr 6 min)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Race #6: A Lackluster Run

Race #6
Run For Wellness, Run For Life
May 22, 2011
Victoria Plaza Parking Grounds
Davao City

Some races are fun. Yet, some fail beyond expectations. Unfortunately, this is one of them. Here is why:

1)   The singlet: I got a feeling something was a bit off when there was no sample singlet shown to us. They only had a picture of how it was supposed to look like. As it turns out, I was right. While the choice of fabric wasn’t very good, that was not the part that bugged me. It doesn’t matter what size you picked, the length of your singlet stays the same! Only the width is the difference between medium, large, and extra large. I felt like wearing a singlet fit for a 12-year old!

2)   The starting area: Even though the directions said to gather at the Victoria Plaza parking lot, we runners have no idea which part of the parking lot on where the race would start. There was no sign on where the starting line is or any of the organizers until nearing the very starting time of the race.

3)   The fun run: In a typical fun run, parts of the road would be closed off to the runners. Or at the very least, there would be some warning signs of a race in progress. Well, on this race, there was none. And I don’t think we even had race marshals to look out for us on the road. It wasn’t a fun experience knowing you could be easily be hit by moving vehicles on the road.

4)   The finish area: This race is a “point A to point B” race, which means the start and finish area are in different locations. That’s fine I guess. But on approaching the finish area, well, we had the same problem as the starting area. Which is we had no idea on where the finish line is as we could have entered from three different directions to Damosa Gateway (the finish area).

5)   The post race refreshments: While I must admit that the food was tasty, the organizing was again, missing. When you put a tray of food on a table, leave it behind, and all that is missing is shouting, “Come and Get it!”, well, you have a mess on your hands. What did you guys expect from a hungry horde of famished runners? Some got food and some didn’t. For only one race category (only a 4K), it should have been easy to organize a decent food distribution unit.

Even though this race for me and my brother was disappointing, there was still a bright spot. The beneficiaries of this race were children with disabilities. And before we left, the kids made a little presentation for all us runners. With that, I was pleased to have a least contributed to a worthy cause despite a lackluster run.

>>> Run time: 4K (30 min)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Paw Prints: Rookie Runner Tips

Even rookies learn without a coach or a teacher. Well, they do have a teacher by default. Her name is "Experience". I may be no expert, but after a few weeks of running, here is what "Experience" taught me. Not just about running but about life as well.

1) If you have a race scheduled, sleep early and be on time. In short, be punctual. Especially when you have some people expecting you to be there.

2) Go easy on running (or for any exercise for that matter) when coming directly off work. Pushing yourself too hard may hamper progress instead of developing it. Take a rest first if necessary.

3) Work at your own pace. As a rookie, I needed to work at a running pace I am comfortable in, not just chase after those running in front. Relax and take time to train. One doesn’t become fast overnight. (Believe me, it took me a while, to learn this lesson.)

4) Avoid fast starts. Its better to start slow and finish strong than starting fast and looking exhausted in the end.

5) Learn to enjoy the experience. Talk and bond with your family or friends. Appreciate the early morning sun. Enjoy the view of Davao (or whatever location you run on). On one of my runs, I enjoyed bonding with my little sister during the race more than the actual race itself. Sometimes, its not all about time or running fast. Sometimes you just got to have fun with what you are doing.

6) If you want to improve, don’t make Sunday fun runs your only runs. Ever wonder why some people are fast even though they don't join fun runs that often? Well, there are other avenues to run or exercise you know. Whether its just walking around the park or the mall; or exercising at the gym or the treadmill; or to just jogging in the roads of your neighborhood, find ways to keep yourself fit and active. Slowly but surely you can feel a difference.

Hope you guys can learn from my earlier mistakes and mishaps. Now just go out there, enjoy, and run!

Friday, March 09, 2012

Race #5: We are Family

Race #5
Run for a Healthy Lung
May 15, 2011
People’s Park
Davao City

The veteran: The “self-proclaimed” former two-time marathon finisher. The dark horse: The virtual unknown runner who trained in the concrete jungles of Manila. The underdog: The runt of the litter who amazingly stays slim and fit despite the absence of proper diet and exercise. And of course, there’s me, the crazed fool who is going to run his third consecutive weekly race. This crazy bunch is my family, and thanks to the generous sponsorship by B.O.D. (that is short for Bank of Dad J), we are all going to run the “Run for a Healthy Lung” at People’s Park on Sunday.

On race day, after being slightly delayed by a paparazzi representative from Mama Bear photography, we arrived at People’s Park. Since the singlet color was orange, the place looked packed with Oompa-Loompas from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. People’s Park is a new starting area for me in a race, however the course involves also Bajada Street, so the course is not that completely unfamiliar. Still, this is the first time all four of us are going to run together, so its time to have some fun!

After chatting with a few acquaintances from the gym and Japanese class, we took off. I stayed with a slow jog with my little sister while Dad and Tim went on ahead. The course seemed quite long for a 5K. But it provided me with some bonding time with my family.

At last we finished the race. It took almost an hour, but I’m so proud of my baby sister for not bailing out and finishing the 5K. Many congratulations to my little brother for finishing this race at a pace time that I (for this moment at least) ever could.

>>> Race Time: 5K (1 hr 0 min)