Run For Humanity
August 28, 2011
Roxas Avenue
Davao City
23 minutes. At least that was the time
I saw in the clock as I crossed the finish line. “What?”, I thought to myself,
there is no way that could be right.
But to be fair, for the first time in
my “short racing career”, I did not take a walk break for an entire race. Yep,
I ran the whole 5K without stopping, not even for the water station! I just
took the water and sipped it as I ran.
This was all thanks to having an
“unofficial” pacer. A pacer or pace-setter is someone who you have to match in
speed so that you can maintain that particular pace in a certain race. I took a
random person in the race and since I didn’t want to get chick’d (look up that term,
you will probably laugh), so when you (pacer) slow down, I’ll slow down. An interesting
note: She never did slow down. And neither did I. So “unofficial pacer”, thank
you for helping me improve.
Along the way, I met with my former
classmates from Japanese class. Seems the running bug bit them as well. ^_^
This fun run, organized by Red Cross, made us aware of its beginnings as well as what the foundation does today. I guess they were effective though seeing a lot of people joined.
This fun run, organized by Red Cross, made us aware of its beginnings as well as what the foundation does today. I guess they were effective though seeing a lot of people joined.
Alas, it turns out there was some sort
of confusion with the time. There was a false start of about 5 minutes or so.
And I wasn’t able to get the time plus right. So, maybe I wasn’t able to finish
in 23 minutes. (sigh) And maybe I will never know what my real time will be. However,
I do know I thing, I gave my best on this race and I didn’t stop.
Race time: 5K (unknown time)
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