Saturday, April 07, 2012

Race #20: The Race of the Afroman

Race #20
Run United Regional Series (Davao)
August 19, 2011
Ateneo de Davao, Roxas Avenue
Davao City

Never have I dreamed to race in such a distance yet here I am, preparing to to run a 21K race organized by Coach Rio dela Cruz. In case you don’t know him, Coach Rio deal Cruz is one of the famous runners in the whole country, well-known throughout the running community in Manila. Who would not notice afro man running? That's him. Oh and by the way, don’t feel too bad because before the advertisements for this race, I didn’t know who he was either. ^_^

Dad “wussed out” of this race by going to Manila to visit my sisters, so it was up to me to finish a half-marathon for the Suy Te family. This is the first time in years since dad did it. 

I had some company and acquaintances in running the 21k (Dom from the gym, Uncle Simon, my neighbor Martin, the Louh brothers, and just too many to mention). All gathered and ready to rumble, and as we hear to gun, we bade each other, "See you back at the finish."

All the weeks of training have come down to this. During the PLDT 10 miler, I wasn't exactly prepared. This time, however, I was ready yet at the same time intimidated. See you guys back at the finish.

The route us 21K runners have to take. Looks intimidating... Let's go!
The long stretch of road from Roxas Avenue to the old Davao airport was very intimidating on foot. And that was just the first half. Somehow, I managed to still feel good in my pacing. The race was properly organized. The chips to monitor your time acted as a sensor that made cheating a total NO! NO!. I would not mind paying the same price for this quality fun run.

On the 11k turnaround point, I saw my friend Mael waiting in a car. She was surprised to see me and vice versa as well. She said she was supporting her boyfriend who is also running the 21K. Must be a lucky dude to have his girl wake up at the crack of dawn to wait and support him in a sure-to-be a tough race.

The way back was even more difficult than before. The sun was rising and we started to feel the heat ~ the race was getting tougher. The water stations help ease our pain with cool water, powerade, bananas (yes, fuel!), and sponges. RunRio does bring up running to a whole new level!

Last 3K… The long stretch of Sta. Ana Avenue… No trees… a hot morning sun. Well, after running 18.5K non-stop, I finally slowed down to walk. I still couldn't believe I had been able to run 18.5K straight with no walks! I probably would have had heat stroke if I didn’t considering I have no idea where the next water station is. Approaching Q. Boulevard, I had to jog-walk-jog-walk my way to the last few kilometers. One old man couldn’t take the heat, and so decide to run topless instead. Well, that was a weird sight on the road. But I admire him for running this distance.

At Roxas Avenue, I had some gas left to sprint to the finish. I had finished my first half-marathon! Yehey!! And its still in my first year of running. ^_^ Dom, who finished about 15 minutes ahead, greeted me at the finish line. Aside from getting my 21K finisher’s shirt, finisher’s bag, and of course the shiny 21k finisher’s medal, I also got to shake Mr. Rio dela Cruz and got his autograph on my race bib. Too bad I wasn’t able to get a picture though (because of my “bring no tech on running” rules). Maybe next time.

The reward of battle....

All in all, this was a great experience. Maybe I will do another half-marathon
someday. But for now, its time for me to rest and relax. ^_^

>>> Race Time: 21K (2 hr 54 min)

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