Thursday, April 26, 2012

Race #29: Milo Marathon

Race #29
Milo Marathon ~ Davao City Leg
November 6, 2011
Roxas Avenue
Davao City

The Milo Marathon… one of the country’s most prestigious running events. They travel and organize “Milo Marathon” races in different cities all over the country, culminating in a National Finals in Manila. They help with a good cause too: the “Help Give Shoes” Advocacy ~ in which the proceeds from registering for the race helps donate shoes to young runners who can’t afford them. These especially target those in the far flung areas in the provinces.

Well, I was wondering what the fuss was about back in 2010 when Ryan invited me to join the Milo Marathon. And when I went with my friends for this one, wow! I have never been to a race with so much people! They say over 10,000 people joined! 

This was a simple route for a 5K ~ a loop around the Chinatown area. I am glad I was able to join my friends for a 5K rather than going for a longer distance. One bonus in joining a shorter distance is that you get to the finishing area faster ~ meaning shorter lines for the food and free stuff!

J-Cel, Alex, Kristin and Me ^_^
Oh, one last parting shot to my friend (this is my blog after all hehe). To JM: “It doesn’t matter whether you win by an inch or a mile, a win is a win.”

>>> Race Time: 5K (30 min)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Thoughts for the Road: On Being a "Real" Runner

"I often hear someone say I'm not a real runner. We are all runners, some just run faster than others. I never met a fake runner." 
-Bart Yasso

"If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run."

"In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, 'I have finished.' There is a lot of satisfaction in that." 
-Fred Lebow, New York City Marathon co-founder

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Race #28: Twilight Run

Race #28
Twilight Run
October 30, 2011
SM Davao Parking Area
Davao City

After about a month of no fun runs, it was time to get back to the race field. I had done some training in the gym, so even without fun runs (they were getting a bit expensive at this part of the year), I was feeling confident to be able to do a no-walk run. So why did I choose this race? And at night too? Well, maybe I wanted to give a night race one more try. Besides, who knows what events might occur on Halloween?

My little sister, Therese, had to back out due to a cold, but I had Kirby and Joshua to keep me company. This was one crazy race with the damp weather, the spooky concert, and of course, crazed runners running in costumes of different kinds. From classic costumes like Dracula and werewolves, to anime characters like Naruto, people came in all sorts of outfits. One runner even wore a wig to resemble Coach Rio dela Cruz. No, of course, I didn’t run in a costume. Haha. J

Just a simple route around SM and Ecoland area was our race route. Not too bad. I finished it in about 30 minutes. Joshua and Kirby followed soon after. As an added bonus for all runners, every finisher was given a 5K finisher’s medal. Somehow, a part of me doesn’t feel that lower race categories should have finisher’s medals, yet when I look at the faces of acquaintances and strangers all happy finishing the race with their tokens, I changed my mind. After all, it takes a lot of effort for anyone to start running, so if you can help encourage others, go for it… ^_^

>>> Race Time: 5K (35 min)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Race #27: Insomniac

Race #27
Eagle’s Run
September 18, 2011
People’s Park
Davao City

Due to some events the night before, I was in no condition to run this race. Yet somehow I did it anyways. I’m not even certain on how I managed to survive this, so I can’t do a detailed recap of this run. An important lesson learned: If you lack sleep, you are screwed. So take a break instead of forcing yourself like I did. There is more to life than running races after all.

Worst 10K I ran (and its my fault too). Still, I got me a consolation prize.

>>> Race Time: 10K (1 hr 49 min)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Race #26: Bonding Time

Race #26
Heart Run
September 17, 2011
People’s Park
Davao City

Hey, I still do 3Ks too! They don’t tire you much as the other categories do… Besides, I’m lazy, slow, and I needed a break. Kidding, kidding. I picked the 3K for this race, because I wanted to show my younger cousins what its like joining a fun run. And while not necessarily underestimating them, joining a 5K immediately and not enjoying the experience after, may turn them off to join other future fun runs. So better be safe than sorry. ^_^

This run organized by Holy Cross of Davao College was for the benefit of people with heart ailments, hence the name “Heart Run”. The route for the 3K was simple, start at People’s Park ~ head down to Gaisano Mall ~ then to Victoria Plaza Mall at J.P. Laurel Avenue (turnaround) ~ then back to People’s Park.

We were a bit late, but we still ran anyways. I had a good time bonding with my younger cousin. My, they grow up so fast. I can’t believe he is going to be a high school student next year. We did a mix of run/walks throughout the race, and we finished strong. ^_^

>>> Finish time: 3K (51 min)

Race #25: Counter Aging

Race #25
Counter Aging, Keep On Running
September 11, 2011
SPMC Hospital Parking Area
Davao City

Counter Aging, Keep on Running… they are getting more creative in making up names for fun runs these days. But they probably have a point with their "slogan". Who doesn't want to be told they look young? So to counter aging, keep on running. ^_^

On this run, they are raising funds for the Hospital; the burn unit in particular. As my friend Dina said, “I’m going to run anyways, why not help a good cause?”

The route wasn’t too bad for a 10K. Just go from the Hospital to the Old Airport Road and back. I’m feeling a bit slower than usual but I still managed to run the whole way and finish strong.

Well, it looks like a small glass key chain instead of a medal. But when they only give this to the first 100 finishers, who's complaining?

>>> Race Time: 10K (1 hr 11 min)

Race #24: King of Davao

Race #24
Adidas King of Davao Run
September 4, 2011
Davao Crocodile Park
Davao City

Adidas had their “King of the Road” fun run in Manila. Here, however Adidas, together with RunClub Davao, dubbed their run: “King of Davao”. To me, its sounds better. Its better to be king of a city than just a road right? And since I have done already several different categories at this point, why not add King of the Ring, I mean, King of Davao to my resume?

At the Davao Crocodile Park, people began lining up. My, a lot have joined for this race. Guess it has something to do with the singlet. This was different from the usual fun run singlets. It doesn’t have a lot of logos, mixture of colors, and pictures in it. The singlet was plain and simple, with just a small Adidas logo. It really looked like a jersey bought from Adidas!

Crocodile Park… but this time on Diversion roads instead of the trails. The path was long, curvy, and hilly. The roads go uphill and downhill, with lots of trees on both sides of the road. A great way to exercise my legs… ^_^

No-walk again for the third straight run. At this point, I’m not really sure if it’s a great strategy for long runs, but I’m still testing it out… Mission complete.

Me and Alex at the finish area.
Me with Yoko and his friends finishing the 15K

The prize of battle... sure it doesn't look like much, but its value can only be appreciated by the one who earned it. ^_^

>>> Race time: 15K (1 hr 54 min)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Race #23: 10 Straight Ks

Race #23
Children’s Hour Run
August 29, 2011
Abrezza Mall Area
Davao City

I thought I told Ryan to sign me up for a 5K since I was doing a back-to-back (2 consecutive runs in 2 days). And this was the second run! But somehow, he signed me up to go along with him on a 10K. This run was organized by BPI for the benefit of Children's Hour, so it makes sense for him, a banker, to "push" for this race. Well, I have done harder things, and I could always stop if I wanted to, so why not? My friends Ping and Kash have also signed up for their first 10K too on this race, and my friend Zecel also invited me to run as well, and if they were up for the challenge, I should be up for it too…

As it turns out, I somehow managed to maintain a no-walk run for the second day in a row. I didn’t go as fast as the Run for Humanity Race, but I was comfortable with my pacing. I even was able to edge Ryan out for a few minutes at the finish.

My how things have changed after weeks of running. I remembered how the last few times I was still so low on speed and stamina, now I am able to run a 10K outright.

>>> Race time: 10K (1 hr 11 min)

Race #22: Pace Setter

Race #22
Run For Humanity
August 28, 2011
Roxas Avenue
Davao City

23 minutes. At least that was the time I saw in the clock as I crossed the finish line. “What?”, I thought to myself, there is no way that could be right.

But to be fair, for the first time in my “short racing career”, I did not take a walk break for an entire race. Yep, I ran the whole 5K without stopping, not even for the water station! I just took the water and sipped it as I ran.

This was all thanks to having an “unofficial” pacer. A pacer or pace-setter is someone who you have to match in speed so that you can maintain that particular pace in a certain race. I took a random person in the race and since I didn’t want to get chick’d (look up that term, you will probably laugh), so when you (pacer) slow down, I’ll slow down. An interesting note: She never did slow down. And neither did I. So “unofficial pacer”, thank you for helping me improve.

Along the way, I met with my former classmates from Japanese class. Seems the running bug bit them as well. ^_^ 

This fun run, organized by Red Cross, made us aware of its beginnings as well as what the foundation does today. I guess they were effective though seeing a lot of people joined.

Alas, it turns out there was some sort of confusion with the time. There was a false start of about 5 minutes or so. And I wasn’t able to get the time plus right. So, maybe I wasn’t able to finish in 23 minutes. (sigh) And maybe I will never know what my real time will be. However, I do know I thing, I gave my best on this race and I didn’t stop.

>>> Race time: 5K (unknown time)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Upcoming Missions: Run To Fly

An upcoming fun run to help save the eagles!

Event: Run To Fly
Date: April 29, 2012 (Sunday)

Time: 4:30 a.m.
Venue: People’s Park, Davao City
Registration: Ongoing
Distance/ Fee:
·      3K – Php 300
·      5K – Php 350
·      12K – Php 350

Race Route:
For 3K > People's Park ~ turnaround at Gaisano Mall
For 5K > People's Park ~ turnaround at Victoria Plaza Area
For 12K > People's Park ~ turnaround at Malayan Insurance House

All categories come with a singlet and race bib.

Registration forms are now available at Run Club Davao as well as Holiday Gym and Spa.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Race #21 The Torture Trail Run

Race #21
Eco Trail Run
August 21, 2011
Davao Crocodile Park
Davao City

Fresh from my 21K finish just a week ago, I was ready for a new challenge – the Eco Trail Run. This is my first ever attempt at trail running. The organizer, Mr. Dax Ang, promised a challenging endeavor for all of us runners. Little did I know that he was right yet I totally underestimated him while signing up at Abreeza Mall.

On race day, my dad and I arrived at Crocodile Park. The starting area was a field of grass instead of the usual road. I wonder why a large fire truck was stationed nearby. There doesn’t seem to be any fires around. Oh well, go figure.

The grassy area of the trail run

We are going through Mother Nature herself. Through narrow, grassy trails and through fields where carabaos grazed – there was a mix of hiking and running. I was doing fine, I even went ahead of Dad, until I reached the forest area where there was a “traffic jam” of runners going downhill. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that there was a heavy downpour the night before this race. That factor somehow contributed to the “going downhill” problem. The area was muddy and slippery – not exactly safe but manageable. I have no idea how the pro runners got through this area easily but the rest of us “average” people had to either hang on to the tree branches or skid through the mud using our behinds. Some did both methods. But the worse part was still to come.

Going down, anybody?
Going down through mud, rocks, and nature wasn’t that bad. But going uphill – well, that was an entirely different matter. My dad caught up with me at this point. He had no problem going uphill, him being a former mountain climber after all. I, on the other hand, was having a difficult time scaling the Cliffside. There is about a 10 meter drop to a creek below on the other side of where we were scaling, so if we weren’t careful, we could slip and fall into it. Mr. Dax, you sure are one crazy race organizer! But you did tell us this was a challenge, and it is most certainly so. Since I can’t exactly go back in the middle of nowhere, I had little option but to take this challenge head on.

In the midst of this, I thought to myself, "I should have joined Ping and Kash at the Phoenix Run at SM. I wonder how different these two races are..." Roads and trails are two totally different challenges!

After that, another downhill path await us runners. Only this time, this was pure mud and dirt. The rains sure made the ground soft and sticky-like, I had to plod through it because my shoes kept getting stuck. This run seems to have more hiking and climbing more than running.

Mud.... Pure and Simple. w/ Mrs. D.
Mud.... the great equalizer.

Along the way, I met Bernard and Dina (who are also from Metrolifestyle Gym), at the halfway marker. It was nice having fellow runners to chat with while going through the “torture trail run”. ^_^ (By the way, thanks guys for lending me the pics.)

End of the tough part... whew.

Mrs. Dina

The Nature Boy. "The Dirtiest Player in the Game." Haha
The second part was easy as we finally made it back to the carabao fields and near the Crocodile Park area. There was no large timer, so I didn't know what my time was. But after this ordeal, all I cared about was finishing in one piece!

While difficult as this experience is for me, a first time trail runner, I was glad I did it... I survived!

The hard-earned, well-deserved, 10K nature themed medal. You are one tough puppy!

So that’s what the fire truck was for, I finally realized, seeing how muddy we all were. It was going to hose us down!

Lessons learned:
1) Ordinary running shoes work best on roads, not exactly on muddy trails. I just had to find this out the hard way. Most running shoes aren’t sold in branded stores such as Nike and Adidas. But there are trail shoes available for sale in malls. Look for brands such as Merell and Columbia for trail shoes. I must add though, since I don't plan on running trails that often, I didn't buy a pair. My dad, though, got a pair of Merell Trail Gloves after this, and he wears it almost everyday!
2) Bring water for trail runs. This isn’t like on the road where you can just back out anywhere and call it a day. So to be sure you don’t get dehydrated, bring some of your own water. The water station for this run – scratch that, the ONLY water station for this run ran out. I should know, I took the last water packet.

In the end though, I got schooled by my old man. Seems to me like he has a lot left in the tank despite his age. Well played, dad. Well played.

>>> Race Time: 10K (no time) 

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Upcoming Missions: Run For Children With Cancer on April 28, 2012

This is a run hosted by the Explorer Group, Inc. with cooperation from The Davao Children's Cancer Fund (House Of Hope). Run For Children with Cancer....

Event: Run For Children With Cancer
Date: April 28, 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 4:30 a.m. – 5:00 a.m.
Venue: People’s Park, Davao City
Registration: March 27, 2012 – April 27, 2012
Distance/ Fee:
·      2K – Php 200
·      3K – Php 275
·      6K – Php 300
·      10K – Php 375

Note: Categories may change until further announcements.

Race packet includes a race singlet, a race bib, a raffle entry, and souvenir certificate.

Registration forms are now available at Run Club Davao (Plaza Carmen, Bo. Obrero, Davao City).

For other inquiries, check their facebook page at ExplorerGroup Davao.

Upcoming Missions: Eco Green Run on May 6, 2012

Abreeza Mall open area as a starting point for a race? Sounds good to me! It has been a while since Abreeza Mall has become a starting point for a fun run. Here is a race hosted by Smash Ville Fitness Center titled the 1st Eco Green Run.

Event: 1st Eco Green Run
Date: May 6, 2012 (Sunday)
Time: (To be announced)
Venue: Abreeza Ayala Mall, Davao City
Registration: March 21, 2012 - ongoing
Distance/ Fee:
·      4K – Php 300
·      8K – Php 400
·      12 – Php 500

Green Colored Singlet... Really fits well with the theme... ^_^

All categories come with a singlet and race bib. As an added bonus, if you register by group (minimum of 10), you get a discount of P50.00 off per person.

Race Route:

Registration forms are now available at Smash Ville Fitness Center and Matina South Health Studio. Register early and reserve your preferred singlet size. 

Abreeza Mall Registration booth will start on April 12. Runclub Registration Booth coming soon.

For other inquiries, check out their Facebook page: SmashVilleFitnessCenter

Upcoming Missions: Davao Fun Runs

"Your mission, should you choose to accept it...."

Ok, that is somewhat an over-exaggeration on how I would describe choosing fun runs. But where do you get an event that provides a healthy dose of exercise, that gives a vibe of competition, that creates bonding moments, and is open to everyone: experts and newbies alike? You get all of that rolled into one during fun runs.

Here in a new category, Upcoming Missions, I will help spread the word on the upcoming fun runs and races that Davao City has to offer. From big-sponsored races or small community events trying to raise funds for charity, I will try my best to include them here, so you guys can have more choices on which ones to join. No, I am not paid to do this, I am doing this for free! :)

Now, choose your mission, err, I mean, races wisely. Don't forget to enjoy and have fun!

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Race #20: The Race of the Afroman

Race #20
Run United Regional Series (Davao)
August 19, 2011
Ateneo de Davao, Roxas Avenue
Davao City

Never have I dreamed to race in such a distance yet here I am, preparing to to run a 21K race organized by Coach Rio dela Cruz. In case you don’t know him, Coach Rio deal Cruz is one of the famous runners in the whole country, well-known throughout the running community in Manila. Who would not notice afro man running? That's him. Oh and by the way, don’t feel too bad because before the advertisements for this race, I didn’t know who he was either. ^_^

Dad “wussed out” of this race by going to Manila to visit my sisters, so it was up to me to finish a half-marathon for the Suy Te family. This is the first time in years since dad did it. 

I had some company and acquaintances in running the 21k (Dom from the gym, Uncle Simon, my neighbor Martin, the Louh brothers, and just too many to mention). All gathered and ready to rumble, and as we hear to gun, we bade each other, "See you back at the finish."

All the weeks of training have come down to this. During the PLDT 10 miler, I wasn't exactly prepared. This time, however, I was ready yet at the same time intimidated. See you guys back at the finish.

The route us 21K runners have to take. Looks intimidating... Let's go!
The long stretch of road from Roxas Avenue to the old Davao airport was very intimidating on foot. And that was just the first half. Somehow, I managed to still feel good in my pacing. The race was properly organized. The chips to monitor your time acted as a sensor that made cheating a total NO! NO!. I would not mind paying the same price for this quality fun run.

On the 11k turnaround point, I saw my friend Mael waiting in a car. She was surprised to see me and vice versa as well. She said she was supporting her boyfriend who is also running the 21K. Must be a lucky dude to have his girl wake up at the crack of dawn to wait and support him in a sure-to-be a tough race.

The way back was even more difficult than before. The sun was rising and we started to feel the heat ~ the race was getting tougher. The water stations help ease our pain with cool water, powerade, bananas (yes, fuel!), and sponges. RunRio does bring up running to a whole new level!

Last 3K… The long stretch of Sta. Ana Avenue… No trees… a hot morning sun. Well, after running 18.5K non-stop, I finally slowed down to walk. I still couldn't believe I had been able to run 18.5K straight with no walks! I probably would have had heat stroke if I didn’t considering I have no idea where the next water station is. Approaching Q. Boulevard, I had to jog-walk-jog-walk my way to the last few kilometers. One old man couldn’t take the heat, and so decide to run topless instead. Well, that was a weird sight on the road. But I admire him for running this distance.

At Roxas Avenue, I had some gas left to sprint to the finish. I had finished my first half-marathon! Yehey!! And its still in my first year of running. ^_^ Dom, who finished about 15 minutes ahead, greeted me at the finish line. Aside from getting my 21K finisher’s shirt, finisher’s bag, and of course the shiny 21k finisher’s medal, I also got to shake Mr. Rio dela Cruz and got his autograph on my race bib. Too bad I wasn’t able to get a picture though (because of my “bring no tech on running” rules). Maybe next time.

The reward of battle....

All in all, this was a great experience. Maybe I will do another half-marathon
someday. But for now, its time for me to rest and relax. ^_^

>>> Race Time: 21K (2 hr 54 min)

Race #19: Training Stop @ EMCOR

Race #19
August 7, 2011
EMCOR Plaza, J.P. Laurel Avenue
Davao City

Last training stop before my big run on August 14th. I wonder if I will be ever be fully ready for that. Good thing I had two of my good friends with me on this one. Training sometimes can be a drag, but if I wanted to be better, I got to do it anyways.

The route was a loop from EMCOR Bajada ~ proceeding south to Sandawa ~ then going through Claveria ~ then finally back to EMCOR.

On a side note, my friend Ryan absolutely “owned” the 10K… ^_^

I didn’t really give my best for this one, as I was exhausted from yesterday’s run, as well as I knew I had to save my energy for next week’s run.

>>> Race Time: 10K (1 hr 6 min)

Happy Easter Sunday!

Happy Easter Sunday Everyone! I hope you guys enjoyed the holidays, whether you are vacationing in a foreign place, roughing it out on a road trip, or simply having a relaxing time at home. 

Its good to take a break once in a while. From work. From routine. From exercise. From whatever that keeps you busy. I know I did. Sometimes we just need to relax and reflect on what God has blessed us with. After all, it is because of Jesus that we get to celebrate the Holy Week and Easter Sunday.

May God continue to bless you... :)

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Thoughts for the Road: On Starting Out

"Anybody can be a runner. We were meant to move. We were meant to run. It's the easiest sport." ~ Bill Rodgers

"If you want to become the best runner you can be, start now. Don't spend the rest of your life wondering if you can do it." 
~ Priscilla Welch

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." ~ John Bingham

Thoughts for the Road: Words of Encouragement

In a recent fun run I just did, I saw something aside from the number of kilometers on the signposts in the road. Several encouraging messages were displayed for all us runners to read as we passed by. I, for one, was inspired by these messages and they helped me persevere as I go through kilometer by kilometer.

That's why I also thought that words, while simple as they seem, have also the power to do great things. They can inspire us. Motivate us. Help us through struggles. Here in a new category, Thoughts for the Road, I want to share many of the inspirational messages, famous quotes, verses, and other sayings from various sources that have come upon my way through the ages. I hope these words will help encourage us not only in running, but also in everyday life. 

Monday, April 02, 2012

Race #18: Run for Future Doctors

Race #18
August 6, 2011
Davao Medical School Foundation
Davao City

While I was going through training for an upcoming race in mid-August, I joined a race dubbed “ScholaRun” near our village. This was a charity run with no singlet, just a bib with refreshments to be provided afterwards. The cause it was supporting was a scholarship fund for future doctors. I think it’s a great cause, and I was going to run anyways so why not help them out?

This was just a simple route from their school (DMSF) at the top of the hill to J.P. Laurel area. There was some downhill at the start then going uphill at the finish, but aside from that this was just a regular routine run for me.

For a small community-type event, this run drew decent support. I even saw some of my former classmates and schoolmates from high school. I salute you guys for taking a tough road ahead not in running, but in becoming future doctors someday. Best of luck to you all.

>>> Race time: 5K (39 min)

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Race #17: Going Up?

Race #17
Holiday Vertical Run
July 31, 2011
Gaisano Mall Parking Area 5th Floor
Davao City

How do you make an empty parking lot more lively? Answer: a fun run. How do you make an empty parking lot on the 5th floor of a mall more lively? Answer: Holiday Gym and Spa’s Vertical Fun Run. Somehow the people of Holiday Gym decided that an ordinary fun run just wouldn’t cut it this time, so they added the four ramps going up the mall to make it more of a “challenge”.

My friends and I joined this for fun, so the 4K category was a good fit for all of us. Well, almost all of us. One decided to go for the 8K, yet somehow didn’t manage to wake up for the race (you know who you are).

The route: (downhill drop) Gaisano 5th floor parking lot ~ J.P. Laurel Avenue (Bajada) ~ Victoria Plaza (turnaround) ~ (vertical climb) Gaisano 5th floor parking lot.

Going down was not so bad. Going through the normal race route in J.P. Laurel Avenue also was a fun sprint type run with my friends. Going up the four parking ramps was a bit of a challenge, but I managed to run all of it. All in all, it was a fun festive post race atmosphere up in the open air parking area in Gaisano Mall. Who knew an empty parking lot in the top floor in the mall could be a great spot for a race?

Ping, Kash, and me

College buddies: Me, Gil, and Ping

>>> Race Time: 4K (20 min)